Friday, November 12, 2010

Proof: Living in The Moment Makes You Happy

Some new research findings published in the journal Science this week found a connection to day dreaming and unhappy thoughts. In short the study found the more your mind wanders; the less happy you are, meaning those who “live in the moment” are happier. Matthew Killingsworth and Daniel Gilbert of Harvard created and iPhone application (Track Your Happiness) to track peoples moods overtime.

According to a Washington Post article by Rob Stein, “On average, the volunteers reported that their minds wandered 46.9 percent of the time and no less than 30 percent of the time during every activity except sex, the researchers reported. People reported being happiest when they were engaging in sex, exercise and conversation. They were the least happy when they were resting, working or using a computer at home.”

The study showed that "what people were thinking was a better predictor of their happiness than was what they were doing." Powerful proof that the quality of your matters. Choose a happy life by choosing happy thoughts.

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